
Get involved!

Whether you’re a programmer, a visionary, or a strategist, we need you to join the movement! We have opportunities for individuals, organizations, start-ups, and corporations to support our mission of combating unconscious bias and intolerance.

Get involved!

Be a hacker!

Come to the hackathon, be inspired by experts and visionaries in the domain, and join with a team to build tangible solutions. Teams will be encouraged to tackle the issue along any dimension of diversity (e.g. gender, race, sexuality, religion, etc.) across a wide variety of arenas (e.g. the workplace, media, policing, etc.).

Get involved!

Partner with us

We have a variety of opportunities for companies and organizations to get involved. Whether you need a technology solution hacked, would like to sponsor hackers, or have expertise in the area, we will work closely with you to develop a customized partnership plan. Email us today to get the conversation started!

Get involved!

Support The mission – 

Breaking the Mold is more than just a one-day event. Help us keep the momentum of years past and volunteer for the Breaking the Mold Initiative! We are actively recruiting volunteers for a variety of opportunities. Click below to fill out our volunteer form and indicate how you would like to help!

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