

What are your implicit associations about gender, race, sexual orientation and more? Does it bias your decision making? From the research group behind the Implicit Association Test and the critically acclaimed book Blindspot, Dr. Carlee Hawkins will be leading a 2-hour workshop on Implicit Bias on Wednesday October 29 at 6pm. She will help us to understand our implicit biases and discuss ways to overcome their influence on our behavior. Please join us for this important and impactful workshop!

Find out how the event went on Andrea’s blog post: https://mitsloan.mit.edu/student-blogs/mba-2016/breaking-the-mold-starting-with-myself/


Dinner will be served at 5:30pm; the workshop will run from 6-8pm. There is limited capacity, so please RSVP here today.

We kindly request that people plan to stay for the entirety of the event.

Brought to you by SWIM-Breaking the Mold, ICEO, and the GWAMIT Fall Leadership Conference.

For more information about the 2015 SWIM conference, Breaking the Mold, please visit: https://www.mitbreakingthemold.com/2015-swim-conference/

For more information about the GWAMIT Fall Leadership conference, running from October 27-31, 2014, please visit: https://gwamitleadership2014.wordpress.com/events/

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